How to guarantee success as a writer in Medium 2022.
This will give you a competitive edge.
There are a lot of articles in Medium that give multiple ordinary factors to succeed in Medium.
For example, they tell you to write 2–3 articles per day, check your grammar and spelling, try publications…
But it doesn’t have to be this way. We must first know what is Medium, and what its purpose.
Medium is a social media platform for publishing, it is about sharing your stories, ideas, and perspectives. Writers her are called contributors.
Medium CEO Ev Williams said :
”Medium is not about who you are or whom you know, but about what you have to say.”
Talk about your experiences :
They say that experience is the best teacher.
And when you get to share it with other people, they will learn from your failures, you will inspire them with your successes.
I’m sure that you like stories, it is integrated in our behavior as social beings, so if you write about them, you are putting the first foot on the door for success.
You see those articles:
They all share the same thing: EXPERIENCE.
It doesn’t have to be long or short, as long as it is genuine and merged with your style of writing. People will relate to you very fast if they relate to your article.
Conclusion :
And then you have it, the only thing you need to succeed in Medium. People don’t want step-by-step guides or how to posts, they are already in the internet, and this doesn’t mean they are meaningless.
It is better to integrate your view point, to try things first, then share your thoughts about them. This will make you more grounded in reality, more believable. Genuinity is far better than being a copycat of other posts.