For those who want a fresh start in 2022. Get Ready!
Achieve your grand goals.
The new year is 21 days left, and you got to let that shit go that holds you back.
You know, the universe with all its creatures, beings don’t care how you feel about yourself.
You only got 2 choices:
Be happy, and pursue your grand goals, because I bet you have them.
Sink in your negative thoughts, and let that year pass like this one.
I bet you should choose the first one… for yourself.
So the question is: how to do it?
I am about to show you the thinking that I will use to crash this year. It all comes down to some principles and rules that should be followed consistently so you can achieve any goal that you have in any field, whether it’s fitness, starting a business, enhancing your career… those will give you a competitive edge comparing to most people.
So let’s get started.
Take the time to know thyself:
One of the most important steps in any adventure in life is that you have to dig deep to know who you are, on the inside and the outside.
Sun Tzu said : If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
For you the reality is your ENEMY. You have to know what is it, the rules that governs it, and embrace it as it is. Then you should know WHAT YOU WANT exactly. Write it down on paper, just write it, anything. Of course, it should within reason, and within your limits.
Embrace who you are. Embrace reality and deal with it, as Ray Dalio, one of the greatest investors of all times said.
The pre-planning phase:
I call it that way, because you are about to know some rules and principles that governs any great venture or goal. You should always remember them, write them down on paper, and see it everyday, especially if you feel sad, and also when you feel happy, because you can also fall lazy and egoistic during happiness or after success.
Know the power of consistency :
Being consistent is I think the first principle that you should remember to achieve anything, and achieve self-mastery. Our brain is accustomed to habits, and when you do the same thing, at the same time, you body, mind, and spirit will be ready to tackle the task at hand.
I suggest you start small in the beginning, and have those small wins. Be grateful about them, and move on to the next task. Doing this will give you the motivation that serves as fuel to do other things. You get to generate a domino effect, and a state of momentum flow.
Remember that this phase comes after knowing yourself, and the goals that you deeply want. Which force you to be consistent, and motivated.
Know the power of compounding :
This is what I like the most. Whenever I face a setback or failure, I look at this graph and say to myself that I still in the first stages of it. Where we don’t have big benefits.
Notice that as you progress in your journey, big wins will be followed by even bigger winners. And other areas will benefit from the growth in other successful areas. For example, if you play board games, and you become good at it, it will probably increase your analytical and logical skills, which in turn benefit you in many areas of your life, and thus you will achieve the end of the curve pretty early. SOUNDS GOOD! Right.
Remember the second, the third, the n-order consequences :
Any human wants to achieve something something will think about the pain, isolation that he has to face. Those as Ray Dalio in his book Principles call them the first order consequences, but if you see in the long term you will see good things: Success, Fullfillment…
Plain and simple, if you want to succeed in the long term, you should focus on the bigger picture, and endure if possible the short term failures. As those if reflected on properly, will benefit you later. Know that you are just human, be humble and learn.
Be realistic :
Another important principle is that you should be realistic, or grounded in reality. In this case, your goals should be SMART, I guess you know the meaning of it.
Thay have to be within reason, and compared to circumstances. For example, if you want to buy a house, you should estimating its price, then you should reverse enginner how much you should save each year to buy it. You will have a reasonable estimate when you could buy it.
The planning and working phase :
Now you should have what I call a “Minimum viable plan”. It is a plan that is created that accounts for all the things that you want to do daily.
You don’t have to follow it accurately, you are just in the beginning, give yourself time to get comfortable with it. Take notes about the things not doing well during the day or you missed doing, search for the reason, then optimize as you go, and as you put up a new plan.
This phase will give you the freedom to work freely during the day, Getting shit done is what matter at the end, even if it. You will get insights about your style, your peak attention in the day, things you want to start first, and other later, the amount of time dedicated to each one. And so on and so forth.
As you progress in your journey, you will have what I call a “better” plan. You will know it when you get to achieve what you set up to during the day, you sleep better, you will find yourself energized, balanced, and relaxed.
All what I said here is from my experience. I apply them for myself, it took around 3 months of trial and error before I find a daily plan that I believe will give me the results that I want in the future.
Let me know what you think in the comments, your processes and strategies for optimizing your day for success, I may use some of your thoughts in my journey.